Memoir: Kala's Tree, part 6

Kala's tree
Memoir:  Kala's Tree, a ongoing memoir of our niece Kala Hardy, can be found in its entirety by following the Kala Hardy cloudtag at right.

Every year it hits me afresh.

Sean says, "It's December 7," over his tea at the kitchen table.

"She'd be twenty today,"  I say. "Oh, that makes me sad!"

I cry and hug him for a minute or two. We both blow our noses. Then we move apart and get ready for the day. I hug and kiss Sean and the kids, and head out the door to work.

Happy birthday to your spirit, dear Kala.  You live in our hearts and we go on.

In Memory of Kala Marie Hardy Facebook page
5/30/08: Rest In Peace Kala Hardy (1,173 views) 
12/15/2008:  YouTube Kala Hardy RIP (9,000+ views)
Sysoon (online death information site)


Dave Id said...

Hugs all around from me.

Pete said...

I had not realized that her and Juliana's birthdays were so close together. Juliana's is tomorrow. As always my sympathies Susan. She seemed a sweet kid who was caught in a very bad situation. It speaks very strongly to me about why we need a strong social safety net so that there is a mechanism to get kids like Kala out of where she was.

I both wish and don't wish that I had known her better; if I had known her better it would be more painful.


susanhardy said...

thanks bro... you too. xoxo

susanhardy said...

I hear you, Pete. better to have loved and lost...it's definitely a package deal. thanks, cousin and friend. xoxo