
10/4/16/ UPDATE:  Mom of four amazing people, wife to a smart, solid, principled, funny man who is literally my best friend and partner, worker bee, spontaneous, like to laugh, be open to creative impulses, engine always running a little fast.  Don't care very much about appearances.  Do care a great deal about honesty, even/especially when it's unpopular.  I enthuse easily.  I addict easily and then have to extricate myself.  This blog grew out of a desire to finally kick Facebook.  In transferring my digital persona and memory trace to a blog, it gives at least the illusion of ownership in a way that FB never will. 

I like people, and I like them to come to me.  Putting everything "out there" on FB makes me a bit nervous since they own all your content and won't let you delete it, or your account for that matter.  That needed to change.

I've wondered in recent years if maybe my memory is losing its sharpness regarding past events.  So I write about things that amuse, entertain, and outrage, so later, I can turn them over like polished stones on a sunny beach when I cannot summon them up.

Thematically it seems to coalesce but still seems to fit the "refuel your randomness" tagline over time.  I welcome your input, thoughts, criticisms, whatever you have to say.  I'm grateful that you're reading this.  We only pass this way once, and the thought that a digital self can exist beyond the boundaries of one's physical body brings me genuine comfort.  In short, life's too short, but meanwhile there's still plenty to be amused by and thankful for.

My Google+ profile.