Live from Toronto, part 2: 6 more reasons I love Canada.

1.  Best sentence overheard all week:  "Miguel, may I borrow you for a male wanding please?"  (TSA at Vancouver Airport).  Nobody else even smiled but I wanted to laugh out loud.

2.  The Angry Birds theme in a string quartet arrangement, overheard in the Royal York Gold Lounge.
Shouldn't Miss Piggy be made of lard?
3.  A clutch of tallow sculptures depicting holiday scenes festooning the Royal York's lobby, created by its head chef.  Because nothing warms the heart at Christmas like scenes from holiday movies carved from beef fat.

4.  Speaking of beef fat, spiky chef Guy Fieri, who headed toToronto after the horrible/funny  New York Times review of his new restaurant in Times Square, being interviewed in the lobby for TV about some charity where he plans to donate cheeseburgers to needy kids.  Not really.  But he was here.

5.  Justin Bieber's concert across the street last night, which filled this hotel with thousands of girls radiating Bieber Fever girl energy.  They are traipsing in to breakfast as we speak, still in their pink sequin shirts, clutching their plush bunnies, escorted by relieved moms waiting to go home.

6.  An absolutely enchanting party last night to celebrate friend Jenny's 50th birthday, which thankfully did not go until 4 in the morning.  What a gift to get to be here with her, her husband, and son.  She's 50 years old on the outside and 17 on the inside.

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