Schadenfreude in Andersonville: Premise Restaurant is no more.

http://www.chicagoreader.com/imager/b/magnum/6670336/9152/_DSC0717-magnum.jpgBack in May, I joined friends at Premise (the former In Fine Spirits), which turned out to be the most entertainingly awful restaurant experience in Chicago.

Shortly afterward, to my horror, the June 13th issue of the Chicago Reader ran a long and glowing review of Premise by Mike Sula, accompanied by droolworthy photos. 

Today, Gapers Block Chicago announced the abrupt closure of Premise and firing of its staff.

Arun's: Everything you see is beautiful AND yummy.
I like all food, including fine dining.  But there's an off-putting difference between presenting beautiful, delicious food (Arun's) and just showing off.  Today, I entreat all lovers of delicious, non-insulting food of any kind, whether highbrow or down-home, to follow what they like, not what they think they're supposed to like.  Don't give in to the system.  Fight the power.  Tell the Emperor he's not wearing any clothes.  Pass the bacon.  You know what I mean.

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